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Nuclear waste-burning reactor moves a step closer to reality

"Feasibility study shows GE-Hitachi's proposed Prism fast reactor could offer a solution to the UK's plutonium waste stockpile"


Monbiot says he was wrong on peak oil but the crisis is undeniable

"Jeremy Leggett: Many within the fossil fuel industry are sounding alarms. Society ignores such warnings - and listens to potential bubble-backers like Monbiot - at its peril"

Category: Energy sources


Record number of radioactive particles found on beaches near Sellafield

"Seven beaches contained 383 particles found in 2020-11, while Sellafield insists health risks are 'very low'"


Solar power brings electricity to the homes of India's poor

"Entrepreneurs and not-for-profit organisations explore affordable ways to bring renewable energy to all"

Category: Energy sources


Ban food waste from landfill for renewable energy, urges thinktank

"Councils should be given support for collections to provide a supply of organic waste for anaerobic digestion, study says"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 86 to 90 out of 1050